What's YOUR Story?

I help people tell their own stories in today’s digital world.

Did your parents or grandparents have a box of old family photos?

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Did you go through the box and ask “who is this?” and enjoy hearing what Uncle Roy or Cousin Sue were doing.

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How will our children be able to have that type of experience?

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Today, our digital photos are  stored “in the cloud” or a computer hard drive.

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While that is fast and convenient, it can bring a new set of problems for sharing family stories.

With this website, I want to offer you some ideas to consider and suggestions for actions you can take to embrace your narrative and share it with future generations.

Three Major Components


The MOST important part is STORY.

No one else can tell your story from your perspective.

Your memories

What is important to you

Who has influenced your life

What lessons have you learned that you want to pass on to the next generation

on and on . . .


Too often in our day to day life we do not slow down enough to talk with one another and to listen.  

Just as we are the only ones that can tell our story from our own point of view, our voice is unique. 

In the past, there were only limited ways for most people to record their voice.  So, we usually don’t think of this being part of our family history.  

In today’s digital world recording our voice is easier than ever.  


"It's In The Cloud"

We snap photos and videos and frequently store them “in the cloud”.

We take 10 photos of the same thing and never select the “best” image to keep. 

Welcome to digital clutter.

Can you find that great shot of Grandpa on his 100th birthday?  

Are you sharing them with the rest of the family?

3-MIN Story

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Beyond the general ideas about STORY, VOICE, and IMAGE that I have shared, here is an additional way for you to share your story.

I provide instruction to all levels either individual or in small workshops.  

I also provide a complimentary outline that some may be able to use for their DIY project.  

Looking forward to hearing about your success!

Click the link below to view a sampling of short videos.

Helping you tell your story 

in the 21st century using digital tools