Digital Breadcrumbs

In today’s world, we have all heard that our use of the internet and mobile devices leaves a trail.

The concept of a digital breadcrumb trail isn’t new. In the digital world, intentionally or unintentionally, we leave behind a trail of information that can reveal a lot about us. The pages we visit, the links that we click on, our location, browser history, device – everything reveals something about us. Notice that cookie that you need to accept on a website? That’s a digital breadcrumb you’re leaving behind. These breadcrumbs are used by [online stores] to put together a consumer profile and then make billions of dollars by showing us ads off of those profiles.

Mohit Bhakuni, 25 Jul 2018

Personal Digital Breadcrumbs

I want to encourage you to consider leaving your own personal digital trail for your loved ones in case something happens to you.

  • Passwords. Your digital devices (e.g., compute; smartphone; tablet; etc.) are typically password protected. Technology is such that it is very difficult to open these devices without the passwords.
  • Location. Our focus here is on family history (photos and videos) that we have collected. What do you want to leave for your family? Are they in the cloud? On your computer? In a back-up disc?