While STORY is the most important component, VOICE is a very close companion with it.

Today’s digital world has given us the ability to leave our “voice” for future generations.  In addition to leaving our own voice, we can go the extra mile and record our loved ones.

I can tell you from personal experience, it is wonderful to hear Mom singing long after she has gone to her Heavenly home.

Where to start

Making a digital voice recording is easier than you think. Consider leaving the gift of your “voice” for future generations.

Make a recording

Once you have your story in mind, make your own voice recording. Remember that these techniques can be used to interview others, but be sure you record your own first-person stories.

Digitize old cassette tapes

Look around your house and you may find some old cassette tape recordings from years long ago.

These can be a treasure trove of family. memories but they need to be digitized.  

You may find an old recording to add to a few old photos, this this from our Family Reunion back in 1970.  

Participate in StoryCorps

Preserving oral history is important within our families and also for our nation.  Library of Congress has created the American Folklife Center dedicated to preserving our history.

Not familiar with StoryCorps? Check out the two short videos below for an introduce to this program.

Final Thought

Remember to include yourself.  Many folks get excited about helping a family member tell their story and forget that their own story is just as important.  Always be sure you are on both sides of the table – the person doing an interview AND the person being interviewed.

Most of all - - - Have Fun !!

Helping you tell your story

in the 21st century using digital tools